Vlad, …good luck. You have my permission to use my lyrics.
Cheers, Adrian Belew
March 17, 2000
translations into Russian
album information
ProzaKc* Blues
© 2000 Virgin Records. Published by BMG Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS) / Poppy Due Music / Robert Stevens Music.
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released on
Well, I woke up this morning in a cloud of despair
I ran my hand across my head,
pulled out a pile of worried hair
I went to my physician who was buried in his thoughts
he said, “Son, you've been reading
too much Elephant Talk**”
He said, “The thing about depression is,
well you just can't let it get you down,
you have to see the world for what it is:
a circus full of freaks and clowns
and you'll never please everybody
it's a well established fact”;
he said, “I recommend a fifth of Jack***
and a bottle of Prozac”
What can you give a man who has everything
can you give him back his edge,
can you make him want to sing?
No, you can only take from him,
and there's nothing he can do
I've got the driving me to drink and eat
a bottle of Prozac blues
Well, I woke up this morning and I shaved off my head
by the time I realized what I had done I was already dead
I went to see the gatekeeper who is standing by Heaven's door
he said, “I hope you brought a good supply of… you know”
* Crimson’s spelling of the word "Prozac" – name of the anti-depression medicine popular in USA.
** Name of the best King Crimson fan site.
*** Whisky "Jack Daniel’s".
to the beginning
The ConstruKction of Light
© 2000 Virgin Records. Published by BMG Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS) / Poppy Due Music / Robert Stevens Music.
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Pain day sky beauty die black joy
love empty day life die pain passion
joy black day hate beauty die life
joy ache empty day pain die love
passion joy black light
And if God is dead* what am I,
a fleck of dirt on the wing of a fly
hurtling to earth
through a hole in the sky
And if Warhal**'s a genius, what am I,
a speck of lint*** on the penis of an alien
buried in gelatin
beneath the sands of Venus
Time sun hurt trust peace dark rage
sad white rain sun anger hurt soft
trust night rage pain white hope dark
sacred sun time trust hurt rage anger
rain white light
And if a bird can speak, who once was a dinosaur,
and a dog can dream, should it be implausible
that a man might supervise
the construction of light
the construction of light
Pain day sky beauty die black joy
love empty time sun hurt trust peace
dark rage sad white rain hate anger
hope sacred passion life night ache soft
* Starting-point of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s (1844 - 1900) ethical doctrine. Possible hint on John Lennon’s death and on the phrase of other untimely deceased rock-genius Frank Zappa: "God isn't dead - he just smells funny".
** Andy Warhal – American pop-artist, photographer, and film director extremely popular in Seventies. Influenced the whole generation.
*** No longer used dressing – threads plucked by hand from old cotton fabric.
to the beginning
Into the Frying Pan
© 2000 Virgin Records. Published by BMG Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS) / Poppy Due Music / Robert Stevens Music.
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I was just now thinking about the Jaws Of Life
how they chew you up and spit you right
back into the frying pan
And how life unwinds around and around
up and down, you think you're fine
but then you're back in the frying pan
And how life unwinds
you think you're fine
but then…
to the beginning
The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum*
© 2000 Virgin Records. Published by BMG Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS) / Poppy Due Music / Robert Stevens Music.
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Hat bandana Graham cracker jackhammer in
a nail file suit your self-serviceman**
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
autographed pictures of Shakespeare*** fishing
gear head phone Madison Square**** garden hose*****
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
and the chorus:
Get set get wet get fat get fit get a life
get it on get it up get it off of me
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
get sacked get the facts get a load of this
get pissed get real get over it get it over with
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
Cannibal dog house plan B happy******
as a lark's tongue in cheekbone china doll
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
don't ask Y2 cake******* and eat it too********
nothing lasts for evergreen thumbscrew
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
Get back slapback backtalk halfback back track talkback
back to back I'll be back to get you back
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
get bumped get pumped get dumped get the funk
get sick get fixed get jiggy with it*********
the world's my oyster souffle mignon
Get set get wet get fat get fit
get along little doggie, get it off of me
oyster soup kitchen floor wax
get sacked get the facts get a load of this
the world's my oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum
* The text of this composition is written so, that phrases by themselves have no sense, they must be understood like the associative causation of words. Belew takes initial habitual combination of words and by association add to it next combination, beginning from the last element of the first combination, and so on. Not a sense of the text is important, but its phonation only. Associative causation is the following: The world's my oyster (American proverb) > oyster soup > soup kitchen > kitchen floor > floor wax > wax museum.
** Self-serviceman – a man, serving to himself. Associative causation: Hat > hatband > bandana > anagraham (distorted "anagram") > Graham cracker > cracker Jack > jackhammer > hammer in a nail > nail file > file suit > suit yourself > self-service > serviceman.
*** Not only poet and playwright William Shakespeare, but the American producer of fishing equipment and tackles too.
**** Madison Square Garden – basketball and hockey arena in New York, also used as a concert-hall.
***** Associative causation: ...Shakespeare fishing > fishing gear > gear head > headphone > phone-mad > Madison Square Garden > garden hose.
****** Associative causation: Cannibal dog > doghouse > house plan > plan B > B (be) happy.
******* Consonance with "Y2K" ("Year 2000") – hint on the far-fetched problem of possible computers’ collapse in the moment of the New Year 2000 coming.
******** The line in general parodies the popular American flourish "Have your cake and eat it too". In the beginning, one can see the associative causation: Don't ask Y (why) > Y2 cake.
********* Name of the song on Afro-American slang, performed by raper and film actor Will Smith, known by the films “Wild Wild West”, “Men In Black”, “Independence Day” and so on.
to the beginning
Coda: I Have a Dream*
© 2000 Virgin Records. Published by BMG Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS) / Poppy Due Music / Robert Stevens Music.
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Adrian Belew about "I Have a Dream"
Tragedies of Kennedys**, refugees, AIDS disease
photos of Hiroshima, the Holocaust***, and Kosovo
Tim McVeigh****, Saddam Hussein, the bombing of the World Trade*****
hostages in Bosnia, atrocities, South Africa,
abortion and Kevorkian******, Vietnam, napalm,
Lady Di*******, and Lennon died a violent crime, Columbine********,
“I have a dream that one day…” Rodney King*********, O.J.**********,
symbols of our life and times, “One giant leap for mankind”***********
* Title of the famous speech by the fighter for human rights Martin Luther King, hewed on his gravestone.
** The USA President John Kennedy and his brothers Robert and Edward tragically perished at different time and circumstances.
*** Persecution and physical destruction of 6 million Jews during the second world war.
**** One of the terrorists which have organized the explosion of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City (USA) in 1995. 200 men perished. Timothy McVeigh was sentenced to death.
***** World Trade Centre – twin skyscrapers in New York (destroyed later by the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001). Several years before the explosion in Oklahoma City on the underground parking of one of the buildings happened the explosion, organized by the group of Islamic extremists. As a result, several men perished, but the building itself practically did not suffered.
****** Jack Kevorkian (Dr. Death) – American physician, which practiced euthanasia (painless killing of patients in hopeless condition according to their demand and with their relative’s consent. Has been sentenced in 1999 and is serving his sentence in prison.
******* English princess Diana, perished in car accident.
******** The city in Colorado (USA) and the high school of the same name where in 1999 two 18 years old students have shoot 12 their schoolmates and then shoot themselves.
********* The black inhabitant of Los Angeles, stopped by the policemen for infringement of traffic regulations and brutally beaten by them. The whole scene was recorded on video; the policemen were tried but justified. That caused the uprising of Afroamericans, which only the National Guards was able to pacify.
********** O.J.Simpson – American football player, accused for the murder of his former wife and her friend (to all appearance – well-grounded), and then justified by the jury.
*********** American astronaut Neil Armstrong said after his first step on the Moon: “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
to the beginning
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album information
Heroes (David Bowie)
© ?
For comparison one can listen the original version of the song on Bowie's album "Heroes", 1977.
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released on
I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins
Like the dolphins can swim
Though nothing
Though nothing will keep us together
We can beat them
For ever and ever
Oh we can be heroes
Just for one day
I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing
Will drive them away
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be us
Just for one day
I remember
By the wall
The guns
Shot about our heads
And we kissed
As though
Nothing could fall
And the shame
Was on the other side
Oh we can beat them
For ever and ever
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
Just for one day
to the beginning
translations into Russian
album information
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
In one small pane
Of my window
The ocean fits
* Small English town on the Atlantic Ocean.
to the beginning
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
translation into Russian
released on
And when I have some words
This is the way I'll sing -
Through a distortion box
To make them menacing
Yeah, then I'm gonna have to write a chorus
We're gonna need to have a chorus
And this seems to be as good as any other place to sing it till I'm blue in the face
And for a second verse
Of terse economy
I'll brew another pot
Of ambiguity
Then I'm gonna have to write a chorus
We're gonna need to have a chorus
And this seems to be as good as any other place to sing it till I'm blue in the face
Yes, we're gonna need to have a chorus
I'm gonna have to write a chorus
And this seems to be as good as any other place to sing it till I'm blue in the face
Happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have
happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with what you have to be happy with what you have to happy
Then I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We're gonna repeat the chorus!
I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We're gonna repeat the chorus!
Then I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We gonna repeat the chorus!
I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We're gonna repeat the chorus!
Happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have
happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with what you have to be happy with what you have to happy
to the beginning
She Shudders
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
Like a leaf
When I touch her
She shudders
When I touch her
When I touch her
to the beginning
I Ran
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
I ran into a man with whom I had nothing in common
I ran into a man with whom I had no conversation
to the beginning
Potato Pie
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
Someday you're gonna wake up singin'
Someday you're gonna wake up tired
So tired
It makes you feel like a horseshoe in a swimming pool
'Cause you know you don't belong
I move left, you move right
I'm like a blind man on a motorbike
You say potato I say pie
Tell me why
Tell me why
We're sorry
Someday sad
And someday you might even wake up just a little bit mad
Maybe tomorrow or might be tonight
But in the meantime
I was hoping you might solve this puzzle of mine
to the beginning
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
For a moment
It seemed like
The clouds stopped
to the beginning
Einstein's Relatives
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
Ade: Happy with what you have to be happy with you have to be happy with...
Ade: Oh, we're already done, we didn't play for more than an hour.
Ade: Maybe we should do the demo of the record after the record's over.
Ade: Put your hand on my phones...
Ade: Nobody loves me - well, bugger me.
Ade: Einstein's relatives are relatively positive; his universal theory was first espoused by his cousin Oz.
Robert: The pieces moved forwards towards final composition; we move forward by coming from.
Ade: Although it'll change tomorrow anyways.
Robert: Oh, isn't it sweet?
Robert: Uhm, it's "Dear Old Uncle Bobby".
Ade: I did get it right in there, you'll see.
Robert: La-ta-ta-tie-te-ta-ta-ta-tie-ti-ta-te-ta-te-ta-te: it was horrible.
to the beginning
translations into Russian
album information
The Power to Believe I: A Cappella*
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
She carries me through days of apathy
She washes over me
She saved my life in a manner of speaking
When she gave me back the power to believe
* Several lines of the song "All Her Love is Mine" from Adrian Belew's solo album "Op Zop Too Wah", 1996.
to the beginning
Eyes Wide Open
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
Well here it comes, here comes another day
Another decision on the way
Well here it comes, here comes a color display
Of preferences to make
Well here it comes, here comes a knock on the door
Open it for an opportunity
Well here it comes, here comes a busy parade
For memories to be made
Eyes wide open
Eyes wide open all the time
There it was, it was a pefect take
And were you asleep or awake?
Well there it was, it was a perfect time
To speak your mind
And there it was, it was the chance of a lifetime
Flew right by, and what did you do?
Well there it was, it was another day
For memories to be made
Eyes wide open
Eyes wide open all the time
I've got my eyes wide open
Eyes wide open all the time
Cause you never know what you might see
Eyes wide open
Eyes wide open all the time
I've got my eyes wide open
All the time
Eyes wide open
Cause you never know what you might see
to the beginning
Facts of Life
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
Six billion ants*
Crawling on a plate
Six billion ants
Crawling on a plate
None of them give back
As much as they take
Six billion ants
Crawling on a plate
Doesn't mean you should
Just because you can
It doesn't mean you should
Just because you can
Like Abraham and Ishmael
Fighting over sand
It doesn't mean you should
Just because you can
That is a fact of life
That is a fact of life
Now some of us build
And some of us teach
Some of us build
Some of us teach
And some of us kill
What some of us eat
That is a fact of life
That is a fact of life
Nobody knows
What happens when you die
Nobody knows
What happens when you die
Believe what you want
It doesn't mean you're right
That is a fact of life
That is a fact of life
* Population of the Earth is meant.
to the beginning
The Power to Believe II
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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released on
She carries me through days of apathy
She washes over me
She saved my life in a manner of speaking
When she gave me back the power to believe
to the beginning
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
translation into Russian
released on
And when I have some words
This is the way I'll sing -
Through a distortion box
To make them menacing
Yeah, then I'm gonna have to write a chorus
We're gonna need to have a chorus
And this seems to be as good as any other place to sing it till I'm blue in the face
And for a second verse
Of terse economy
I'll brew another pot
Of ambiguity
Then I'm gonna have to write a chorus
We're gonna need to have a chorus
And this seems to be as good as any other place to sing it till I'm blue in the face
Yes, we're gonna need to have a chorus
I'm gonna have to write a chorus
And this seems to be as good as any other place to sing it till I'm blue in the face
Happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have
happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with what you have to be happy with what you have to happy
Then I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We're gonna repeat the chorus!
I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We're gonna repeat the chorus!
Then I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We gonna repeat the chorus!
I guess I'll repeat the chorus!
We're gonna repeat the chorus!
Happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have
happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with what you have to be happy with what you have to happy
to the beginning
The Power to Believe III
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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She carries me…
She saved my life…
to the beginning
The Power to Believe IV: Coda
© 2003 Discioline Global Mobile / DGM. All titles published by Crimson Music, BMG Music Publishing Ltd., Robert Stevens Inc., Poppy Due Inc.
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She carries me through days of apathy
She washes over me
She saved my life in a manner of speaking
When she gave me back the power to believe
to the beginning