
Vlad, …good luck. You have my permission to use my lyrics.
Cheers, Adrian Belew
March 17, 2000


"BEAT", 1982



"VROOOM", EP, 1994

"THRAK", 1995


"VROOOM VROOOM", 2 CD live album, 2001


translations into Russian

album information

Elephant Talk
© 1981 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

Talk, it's only talk
Arguments, agreements, advice, answers,
Articulate announcements
It's only talk

Talk, it's only talk
Babble, burble, banter, bicker bicker bicker
Brouhaha, balderdash, ballyhoo
It's only talk
Back talk

Talk, talk, talk, it's only talk
Comments, cliches, commentary, controvercy,
Chatter, chit-chat, chit-chat, chit-chat,
Conversation, contradiction, criticism
It's only talk
Cheap talk

Talk, talk, it's only talk
Debates, discussions
These are words with a D this time
Dialog, duologue*, diatribe**,
Dissention, declamation
Double talk, double talk

Talk, talk, it's all talk
Too much talk
Small talk
Talk that trash
Expressions, editorials, explanations, exclamations, exaggerations
It's all talk
Elephant talk, elephant talk, elephant talk
* A play or part of a play for two actors.
** A sharp revealing speech.

to the beginning

Frame by Frame
© 1981 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

Frame by frame (Suddenly)
Death by drowning (from within)
In your own analysis.

Step by step (Suddenly)
Doubt by numbers (from within)
In your own analysis.

to the beginning

Matte Kudasai* (Please Wait for Me)
© 1981 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

Still, by the window pane,
Pain, like the rain that's falling.
She waits in the air,
Matte Kudasai.
She sleeps in a chair
In her sad America.

When, when was the night so long,
Long, like the notes I'm sending.
She waits in the air,
Matte Kudasai.
She sleeps in a chair
In her sad America.
* The phrase taken from English-Japanese phrase-book, which means “Please, wait for me".

to the beginning

© 1981 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

I do remember one thing.
It took hours and hours but…
by the same time I was done with it,
I was so involved, I didn't know what to think.
I carried it around with me for days and days…
playing little games
like not looking at it for a whole day
and then… looking at it
to see if I still liked it.
I did.

I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat…
The more I look at it,
the more I like it.
I do think it's good.
The fact is…
no matter how closely I study it,
no matter how I take it apart,
no matter how I break it down,
it remains consistant.
I wish you were here to see it.

I like it.
* Text of the composition is cast over by the letter of Adrian Belew’s former wife Margaret in which she describes her last painting.

to the beginning

Thela Hun Ginjeet*
© 1981 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

Thela Hun Ginjeet
Thela Hun Ginjeet

Thela Hun Ginjeet
Thela Hun Ginjeet

Thela Hun Ginjeet
Thela Hun Ginjeet

Thela Hun Ginjeet
Thela Hun Ginjeet

Qua tari mei**
Thela Hun Ginjeet

Qua tari mei
Heat in the Jungle streets…

Well, first of all,
I couldn't even see his face.
I couldn't see his face.
He was holding a gun in his hand.
Umm… I was thinking…
This is a dangerous place…
This is a dangerous place…

I said, “I'm nervous as hell from this stuff.
I thought those guys were going to kill me for sure.
They ganged up on me like that.
I couldn't believe it.
Look, I'm still shakin'.
There out in the streets like that.
It's a dangerous place.
It's a dangerous place.”

So, suddenly, these two guys appear in front of me.
They stopped.
Real aggressive.
Start at me, you know.
“What's that?” “What's that on that tape?”
“What do you got there?”
I said, “huh?”
They said, “What are you talking into that for?”
I said, “It's just a tape, you know”
“Well play it for me”
I said “oh, no”
I put it off as long as I could.
And finally they turned it on, you know
They grabbed it from me.
Took it away from me.
Turned it on.
And it said, “He held a gun in his hand. This is a dangerous place.”
They said, “What dangerous place?” “What gun?” “You're a policeman!”
And the deeper I talked, the worse I got into it.
I talked, I told him… I said, “Look man, I'm not talkin'…”
It went on forever.
Anyway, I finally unbuttoned my shirt, and said,
“look, look… I'm in this band, you know, I'm in this band, you know,
and we're makin' a recording, you know.
It's about New York City, it's about crime in the streets…”
The explanation was going nowhere, but,
Finally, they just kinda let me go, I don't know why.
So I walk around the corner,
And I'm like shakin' like a leaf,
And I thought, “This is a dangerous place”

Who should appear, but two policemen.
* Anagram of the phrase "Heet in the jungle".
** Witty spell invented by Belew.

to the beginning


translations into Russian

album information

Neal and Jack* and Me
© 1982 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

I'm wheels, I am moving wheels
I am a 1952 Studebaker coupe**
I'm wheels, I am moving wheels moving wheels
I am a 1952 Starlite coupe…
En route.. les Souterains***
Des visions du Cody****… Sartory a Paris*****…
Strange spaghetti in this solemn city…
There is a postcard we're all seen before…
Past wild-haired teens in dark clothing
With hands-full of autographed napkins we
Eat apples in vans with sandwiches… rush
Into the lobby life of hurry up and wait
Hurry up and wait for all the add-shaped keys
Which lead to new soap and envelopes…
Hotel room homesickness on a fresh blue bed
And the longest-ever phone call home… no
Sleep no sleep no sleep no sleep and no mad
Video machine to eat time… a city scene
I can't explain, the Seine alone at 4 a.m.
The insane alone at 4 a.m…. Neal and Jack and me
Absent lovers******, absent lovers…
* American wrighters-beatniks and close friends Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady.
** Two-seater car with a roof.
*** “On the Road”, “Undergrounders” (Fr.) – the stories by Kerouac.
**** “Visions of Cody” (Fr.) – the stoty by Cassady.
***** “Sartory in Paris” (Fr.) – the play over the story by Kerouac "Sartory in Tangiere". Sartory – spiritual lucid moment (Jap.)
****** Intentional consonance with "absinth lover" – hint over the painting by Pablo Picasso "Absinth Lover".

to the beginning

© 1982 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

I need to feel your heartbeat heartbeat
so close, feels like mine
all mine
I need to feel your heartbeat heartbeat
so close it feels like mine
all mine…
I remember the feeling
my hands in your hair
hands in your hair
I remember the feeling
of the rhythm we made
the rhythm we made
I need to land sometime
right next to you
feel your heartbeat heartbeat
right next to me…

to the beginning

Waiting Man
© 1982 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

I come back… come back
you see my return
my returning face is smiling
smile of a waiting man…
I be home soon soon soon
soon cry on your shoulder
your shoulder against my burning tears
tears of a waiting man…
one two three four one two three…
I wait every moment
I wait, wait for my chance
I wait for my friend to say
hello, you waiting man
feel no fret feel no fret feel no fret
you can wait and feel no fret
and so I wait so I wait so I wait so I wait
I return face is smiling
be home soon cry on your shoulder
tears of a waiting man
every moment wait for my chance
my friend say hello feel no fret
you can wait and I wait and I wait
and home I am…

to the beginning

© 1982 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

Good morning, it's 3 a.m. in this great roaring
city full of garbage eaters ravaging parking
spots beneath my plaza window I see cheetah in their
tight skins and tired heels all-night hippo in
the dinner crossing the street swarthy heards of young
impala flambastic gibbon even a struggling monza
and over there that brilliant head ornament on that
Japanese macaque but look closely at the hammerhead hand
In hand with the mandrill, it's a sight you're
unlikely to see anywhere else on the planet…

the stench and noise, yes, yes, the howler's
resonating repertoire is not too bad when mixed with
the more musical twern of the tropical warbler but the
impatient taxi blare the squawking elderly ibis and
the glass-eye snapper hawking papers I can certainly
live without also be cautious of the poisonous
boomslang laughter social droppings of the fruit bat
and purple queen fish and who's that babbler conversing
with a magazine stand? Evidently he's getting a good

arrive in neurotica
through neon heat disease
I swear at the swarming heards
I sweat the foul terrain
I rove the moving scenery
I have no fin
no wing no stinger
no claw no camouflage
I have no more to say…

Say… isn't that an elephant fish on the corner over
there look at that blush baby mud puppy noolbenger
rhinoderma marmoset spring peeper shingleback skink
siren skate starling sun-gazer spoonbill and suckers,
they seem to be everywhere, well it's a live revue
random animal parts now playing nightly right here in neurotica…

so long…

to the beginning

Two Hands (Margaret Belew)
© 1982 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

Oh they're touching
They're touching each other
They're feeling
They push and move
And love each other, love each other
They fit together like two hands…

I am a face
in the painting on the wall
I pose and shudder
And watch from the foot of the bed
Sometimes I think I can
Feel everything…

The wind is blowing
My hair in their direction
The wind is bending my hair
There are no windows in the painting
No open windows, no open windows, no…

to the beginning

The Howler
© 1982 EG Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

Here is the angel of the world's desire
Placed on trial
To hide in shrouded alley silhouettes
With cigarette coiled
To stike at passing voices
Dark and suspect
Here is the howling ire

Here is the sacred face of rendezvous
In subway sour
Whose grand delusions prey like intellect
In lunatic minds
Intent and focused on
The long thin matches
To light the howling fire…

No, no, not me,
Burn, I don't wanna burn…

to the beginning


translations into Russian

album information

Three of a Perfect Pair
© 1984 EG Music Ltd. © 1984 Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

she is susceptible
he is impossible
they have their cross to share
three of a perfect pair…
he has his contradicting views
she has her cyclothymic moods
they make a study in despair
three of a perfect pair…

one, one too many
schizophrenic tendencies
keeps it complicated
keeps it agggravated
and full of this hopelessness
what a perfect mess…

to the beginning

Model Man
© 1984 EG Music Ltd. © 1984 Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

look at the signs
look at the symptoms
look at the slight
calm before the storm
I feel the silence
I feel the signals
I feel the strain
tension in my head
well, what more can be said…

not a model man
not a saviour or a saint
imperfect in a word
make no mistake
but I
give you everything I have
take me as I am…

to the beginning

© 1984 EG Music Ltd. © 1984 Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

in the dream I fall into the sleepless sea
with a swell of panic and pain
my veins are arching for the distant reef
in the crush of emotional waves…

alright, get a hold of yourself
an' don't fight it, it's over your head
it's alright, the rumble in your ears
it's alright to feel a little fear
an' don't fight it, it's over your head
it's alright, you wake up in your bed…

silhouettes like shivering ancient feelings
they cover my foreign floors and walls
submarines are lurking in my foggy ceiling
they keep me sleepless at night…

hey, can you picture the sight
the figures on the beach in the searing night
and the roaring hurt of my silent fight…
can you pull me out
of this sleepless night
can you pull me out?...

to the beginning

Man with an Open Heart
© 1984 EG Music Ltd. © 1984 Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

she wouldn't need to be a bird without a wing
or be a servant to a telephone ring
she could be sleeping in the comfort of another bed
it wouldn't matter to a man with an open heart
here comes right now…

she could be moody, dramatic as a play
or be evasive as a shadow in the shade
could be irregular and singing in her underwear…
it wouldn't matter to a man with an open heart
here comes right now…

her wild and wise womanly
her faults and files of foolishness…
wouldn't matter to a man with an open heart…
here comes right now…
* Ability for self-examination.

to the beginning

Dig Me
© 1984 EG Music Ltd. © 1984 Records Ltd. Published by EG Music Publishers Inc. (BMI).

translation into Russian

released on

it's here I sit and rust amid this ruin and rancor like tire irons
toothy grills and car parts before me… the acid rain floods my
floorboard, burns my pores, and rots my upholstery… once I was
worshipped, polished magnificently, now I lay in decay by the dirty
angry bay…

I'm ready to leave
I wanna get out of here
I'm ready to ride away
I don't want to die in here
I'm ready to ride

my skin is metallic now, no longer an elegant powder blue… my body
unhinged and sleeping in the jungle of motor block manifolds and metal
relics… what was deluxe becomes debris, I never questioned loyalty
but this dead end demolishes the dream of an open highway…

dig me… but don't… bury me

to the beginning


translations into Russian

album information

The King Crimson Barber Shop (Tony Levin)
© Crimson Music/BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

translation into Russian

released on

I'm Tony, I'm Billy, I'm Bobby, I'm Belew
we're here to sing and play for you
oh we're the king crimson band - and don't you know it
we're the best in all the land - all the land
we play bass and the drums and guitar for you
and if you really want we'll throw the stick in too
oh we're the king crimson band, on EG records
and you know we think that's grand
so settle back to have some fun
and tap your foot in twenty one
cos we're the king crimson band - you better believe it
the king crimson band - we don't do encores
the king crimson band - no photos please
cos we're the king crimson band - we don't do 21st century schizoid man
but we're the king crimson band.

to the beginning


translations into Russian

album information

Sex, Sleep, Eat, Drink, Dream
© 1994 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music /BMG/ Fuji Pacific.

translation into Russian

released on

sex sleep eat drink dream
primal tribal apple egg vegetable eel
i have a new canoe but it does not have a wheel

private velvet animal oldsmobile* mind
i'm sitting in the fireplace burning up my time

private velvet animal empty t.v.
they're fishing in the kitchen
but they haven't caught up to me
primal tribal chemical digital night
i've got to get dressed to go out of my mind
sex sleep eat drink dream
* Model of American car.

to the beginning

© 1994 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music /BMG/ Fuji Pacific.

translation into Russian

released on

walking down the street, you stare at your feet
and never do you let your eyes meet the freaks,
the deadbeat addicts, social fanatics,
they're a dime a dozen and they carry guns
halloween, every other day of the week
living in the cage in the usa
living in the cage in the usa
holy smoke! Somebody blew up the pope
living in the cage in the usa

all around us the rules are changing
taller walls and stronger cages
nothing is sacred or too outrageous
taller walls and stronger cages
what in the world has happened to the world
what in the world

driving your mercedes you think you're safe
but there's no escape in a world of hateful
criminal minds with guns and knives
who say "give me your ride or give your life"
halloween, every other day of the week
living in the cage in the usa
living in the cage in the usa
holy smoke! Somebody blew up the pope
living in the cage in the usa

all around us the rules are changing
taller walls and stronger cages
nothing is sacred or too outrageous
taller walls and stronger cages
what in the world has happened to the world
what in the world

to the beginning

One Time
© 1994 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music /BMG/ Fuji Pacific.

translation into Russian

released on

one eye goes laughing,
one eye goes crying
through the trials and trying of one life
one hand is tied,
one step gets behind
in one breath we're dying

i've been waiting for the sun to come up
waiting for the showers to stop
waiting for the penny to drop
one time
and i've been standing in a cloud of plans
standing on the shifting sands
hoping for an open hand
one time

to the beginning


translations into Russian

album information

Coda: Marine 475*
© 1995 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music / BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

translation into Russian

released on

475, 410,
400, 062,
1097, 65.
Marine 10,
190, 510,
Motor 254.
* Enumeration of the numbers of some companies which have signed an agreement with the insurance company "Lloyd's of London".

to the beginning

© 1995 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music / BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

translation into Russian

released on

long ago and far away in a different age
when i was a dumb young guy
fossilized photos of my life then
illustrate what an easy prey i must have been
standing in the sun, idiot savant
something like a monument
i'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones

ignorance has always been something i excel in
followed by naivete and pride
doesn't take a scientist to see how
any clever predator could have a piece of me
standing in the sun, idiot savant
something like a monument
i'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones

when i look back on the past
it's a wonder i'm not yet extinct
all the mistakes and bad judgements i made
nearly pushed me to the brink
it doesn't pay to be too nice
it's the one thing i have learned
still, i made my fossil bed
now i toss and turn

i'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones

to the beginning

Walking On Air
© 1995 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music / BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

translation into Russian

released on

close your eyes and look at me
i'll be standing by your side
in between the deep blue sea
and sheltering sky
if we find no words to say
to the rhythm of the waves
then we'll both surrender there
walking on air

and the worries of the day lie down
under cover of the fading clouds
the secrets of the night
come alive in your eyes
you don't have to hurry
you don't have to try
cause you don't have a care
you're walking on air

to the beginning

Inner Garden I
© 1995 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music / BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

translation into Russian

released on

autumn has come to rest
in her garden
come to paint the trees with emptiness
and no pardon
so many things have come undone
like the leaves on the ground
and suddenly she begins to cry
but she doesn't know why
heavy are the words that fall through the air
to burden her shoulders
caught up in the trees
her soliloquy,
“don't leave me alone”

to the beginning

© 1995 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music / BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

translation into Russian

released on

people fly people flee
people clam and say "it wasn't me"
people fish people beef
people arm to teeth
yes, you've got people on the tube
walking on the moon
people at the bottom of the sea
people in tombs
people in igloos*
even a tribe of pygmies

people are the main spring
turning the world around
people, they're the main spring
spinning this world upside down

people sun people toast
people tire shile other people smoke
people bowl people rock
people pay to see two people box

watch me face me
dress me baby me
phone me wire me
house me bug me fire me

people are the main spring
spinning the world around
people, they're the main spring
turning this world inside out
* Dwelling made of snow.

to the beginning

One Time
© 1994 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music /BMG/ Fuji Pacific.

translation into Russian

released on

one eye goes laughing,
one eye goes crying
through the trials and trying of one life
one hand is tied,
one step gets behind
in one breath we're dying

i've been waiting for the sun to come up
waiting for the showers to stop
waiting for the penny to drop
one time
and i've been standing in a cloud of plans
standing on the shifting sands
hoping for an open hand
one time

to the beginning

Inner Garden II
© 1995 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music / BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

translation into Russian

released on

Rome now comes to sit
in her garden
mingling the breeze with memories
of a time when
there was a room in pale yellow hues
her room with a view
where love made a bed of happiness
in muslin and lace
sweet is the voice from far away
that speaks sotto voce* and
is lingering there in the golden air
to quiet the day
* In a low voice (Ital.).

to the beginning

Sex, Sleep, Eat, Drink, Dream
© 1994 Discipline Global Mobile. Published by Crimson Music /BMG/ Fuji Pacific.

translation into Russian

released on

sex sleep eat drink dream
primal tribal apple egg vegetable eel
i have a new canoe but it does not have a wheel

private velvet animal oldsmobile* mind
i'm sitting in the fireplace burning up my time

private velvet animal empty t.v.
they're fishing in the kitchen
but they haven't caught up to me
primal tribal chemical digital night
i've got to get dressed to go out of my mind
sex sleep eat drink dream
* Model of American car.

to the beginning


translations into Russian

album information

Deception of the Thrush* (Thomas Sterns Elliot edited by Trey Gunn)
© ?

translation into Russian

released on

Son of a man, you cannot say, or guess…
Water. Only there is shadow under this red rock…
I could not speak, and my eyes failed…
I was neither living nor dead, and I knew nothing…
Madame Sosostris…
Famous clairvoyante had a bad cold…
Phoenician Sailor. Those are pearls…
Here is the one-eyed merchant…
He carries on his back…
Which I am forbidden to see…
I see crowds of people…
And each man fixed his eyes…
* The title is the line from the poem of T.S.Elliot "Burnt Norton". The text itself represents several extracts from his other poem "The Wasteland". Only some of the used extracts are cited here. They are varying on different albums.

to the beginning


translations into Russian

album information

Free As a Bird (John Lennon)
© ?

For comparison one can listen the original version of the song on Beatles' album "Anthology 1", 1995.

translation into Russian

released on

Free as a bird,
It's the next best thing to be.
Free as a bird.

Home, home and dry,
Like a homing bird I'll fly
As a bird on wings.

Whatever happened to
The life that we once knew?
Can we really live without each other?

Where did we lose the touch
That seemed to mean so much?
It always made me feel so...

Free as a bird,
Like the next best thing to be.
Free as a bird.

Home, home and dry,
Like a homing bird I'll fly
As a bird on wings.

Whatever happened to
The life that we once knew?
Always made me feel so free.

Free as a bird.
It's the next best thing to be.
Free as a bird.
Free as a bird.
Free as a bird.

to the beginning